Log your climbs to track of your ability over time, share your personal best with friends, see how you compare to your peer group and view a profile of your climbing session when you log climbs as you go.
Keep track of climbs you didn't complete so you can come back to them and try again, set up a league table with friends or your climbing club, plus much more...

Bit Simple Solutions is currently contracted to London based IPT Networks LTD to develop their Android
IPT Networks has a range of managed services for the IT and Telecoms sectors.
This app is the ideal companion when using a solar panel or dynamo to charge an Android device, or simply to minimize screen wake when charging starts or stops, such as when plugging into a charger.
The display wakes up whenever a charger is connected or disconnected. This can drain the battery if charging frequently starts and stops, such as when charging using a solar panel, due to fluctuations in the output of a solar panel.
This app minimizes battery drain due to display wake up, resulting in faster and significantly more effective solar charging.

We recently undertook a contract to develop an Android app for a Bristol based software house, based it's iPhone equivalent, for a tier one mobile network provider, using restful web services and included infinite scroll, pull to refresh, a staggered list view, navigation drawer and action bar, plus many custom animations including view/fragment transition animations.
The app was first launched in France and so was localized to French, France (fr_FR).
Where's the bus - packed with features to make getting around by bus easy, whether it's finding how to reach one of your favourite destinations, or finding out when your bus will arrive and setting reminders, searching for a route, finding the bus stop to get on at, or the get off at, or tracking your journey in real time - this app has it all.

Meeting up but can't find each other?
Going skiing or cycling in a group?
Use I'm here now so you can find each other if you get separated.
Request a friend's location by text message using the search button, your friend will be notified and can decide whether to share their location or not.
Quickly and easily send your location by text message.